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Category: Nutrition


What Are Ten Thousand Chemicals in Food and Food Packaging Doing to Our Children?

According to a recent nationally representative survey, about 60% of the calories consumed by Americans come from “ultra-processed” foods and beverages—defined as products resulting from “several sequences of industrial processes” and including additives “used to imitate sensory properties of foods or to disguise unpalatable aspects of the final product.” Alarmingly, the survey showed that adolescents (10- to 19-year-olds) were among the biggest consumers of ultra-processed foods and that their intake of these foods increased from 2007 to 2012, rising to over two-thirds (68%) of total calories consumed.

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Chronic Disease

Low-Carb, High Carb, Which is Best for Your Health?

For several years an ongoing debate has left many confused regarding carbohydrates and fat. A new study examined the low and high in carbohydrates to determine if there was a link between different amounts of carbohydrate consumption and mortality.

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Too Much of a Good Thing? Can Probiotic Use Cause Bloating and Brain Fogginess?

I found a study that confirms the adage-everything in moderation, including moderation, regarding probiotic use. While they are very helpful and have been linked to improving numerous conditions, consuming too much may have unintended consequences. But the study provoked a scathing rebuke by the International Probiotics Association, and raised significant questions regarding the study’s methods and findings that probiotic use can result can result in disorienting brain fogginess as well as rapid, significant belly bloating.

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