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Category: Diet

Part 2: Why Depression Treatment Failed Robin Williams and Millions More: Diet and Depression

During an interview this week on the Frankie Boyer show about depression, she asked me what were, in my opinion the top 3 causes of depression-my response diet, stress and physical inactivity. Diet plays a significant role in our brain function. Dietary factors should always be addressed when managing depression, as evidence demonstrates that various aspects of diet can affect the disorder.

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Study Finds A Healthy Diet, Sleep and Exercise Disrupts the Negative Impacts of Stress

Are you taking good care of your health? Here’s a new study that once again confirms the that a healthy diet, a good night’s sleep and exercise can protect your body against the damages caused by stress.

A new study from UC San Francisco is the first to show that while the impact of life’s stressors accumulate overtime and accelerate cellular aging, these negative effects may be reduced by maintaining a healthy diet, exercising and sleeping well.

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