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Tag: stroke

Chronic Disease

High Stress Jobs May Increase Risk for Stroke

Job related stress is a significant contributor to our physical health and emotional well-being. A recent meta-analysis of six studies has found evidence that jobs with high mental or physical stress may be linked to a higher risk for stroke. Those with high stress jobs – jobs with high demand and low control had a 22% increase in stroke.

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Blood Pressure Medications Can Lead to Increased Risk of Stroke, Study Finds

Untreated high blood pressure, or hypertension, wreaks havoc on the body, leading to heart disease and stroke. New research from the University of Alabama at Birmingham published in the journal Stroke shows that, although HBP medications are beneficial, it is as risky to wait for the condition to develop and then treat it to a controlled level.

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Anger Outbursts Linked To Increased Heart Attack Risk

When I was in medical school at Duke, there was a lot of talk about the type A personality as a risk factor for having a heart attack. Over the decades studies have found that the primary risk factor and predictor in this personality was hostility (unresolved anger). How do you deal with your anger? Do you have healthy ways to resolve it, or do you “just let it rip?”

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I Couldn’t Believe My Ears! Part 1

A few evenings ago, during an interview on a major media outlet, I heard a noted physician and author state emphatically that people should not take vitamin supplements, because it is myth that they are beneficial! He went on to say there is no scientific proof that taking any type of nutritional supplement improves health, and in fact there are studies which indicate they are dangerous! I was stunned and speechless. I couldn’t believe my ears.

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