Study Reveals An Easy Way to Boost Your Energy Level During Exercise
Exercising can be a bore and challenging to maintain on a regular basis. Here’s a simple way to boost your energy and make your workout seem quicker.
Exercising can be a bore and challenging to maintain on a regular basis. Here’s a simple way to boost your energy and make your workout seem quicker.
Inflammation is a leading contributor to the development of all diseases: from life’s daily aches and pains, colds, flu, infections, muscles injuries, joint pain to cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, depression, anxiety, Parkinson’s, ulcerative colitis, etc., and the vast majority of all disorders.
Your body naturally produces anti-inflammatory chemicals to counter this process, as does a healthy diet. A recent study, found a unique source of anti-inflammatory chemicals.
Researchers from the University of Utah Pain Research Center evaluated the potential benefits of music for diverting psychological responses to experimental pain stimuli. They hypothesized
I was blessed to receive a link to this absolutely breathtaking video. I don’t want to spoil your experience. For me, it is an honor
A recent study conducted by the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle, Washington found that both massage therapy and music can effectively reduce anxiety.