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Discover the Power of SuperHealing!

Name: Dr. Elaine Ferguson
Re: Discover how to unleash your true health potential!

Today, we're excited to share with you an important message, whose time has come, one that is a gift that will make a difference, and is a gift of a lifetime, SuperHealing Secrets with Dr. Elaine Ferguson, an inspiring and empowering program, viewed by millions this year on Public Television.

This uplifting program focuses on the latest scientific breakthroughs, revealing the true creators of health and how to easily incorporate them into your daily life.

SuperHealing Secrets, reveals research-based facts, that most doctors don’t know or share with their patients, because they didn’t learn them in medical school.

What your doctor didn't learn in medical school can turn your health around! Modern medicine ignores the true causes of health, and instead has reduced your human body's magnificence and amazing capacity for health and well-being to a limiting paradigm of biochemical interactions.

It has disregarded the unity of your mind and spirit play, and the role each one plays in the creation of health and development of disease.

You will learn in this program important, groundbreaking research based and clinically proven information that can have help you to enhance your health and well-being. You will discover the keys to holistic health empowerment-how to engage all of you, what I call "whole being health."

You will learn in this program important, groundbreaking research based and clinically proven information that can have help you to enhance your health and well-being. You will discover the keys to holistic health empowerment-how to engage all of you, what I call "whole being health."

In addition to the 5 amazing SuperHealing Secrets, you'll also discover several clinically proven tools and techniques,nutritional supplements, mind-body practices that can improve your health and well-being.

And I'll share with you a powerful health formula that will help you understand how your body and organs function.
You'll learn about the empowering powerful tools and technique, I've shared with my patients that's helped them take charge of their health, and prevent and reverse chronic diseases.

Why Your Family's Medical History & Genes Are Irrelevant

Discover the amazing medical research that proves there are more significant factors, you have the power to change, and relieve yourself of your anxiety and fears due to your belief that your genes & family's medical/health history control your health.

What's More Important than Your Diet an Exercise Program

While important, we place too much emphasis on diet and lifestyle, you'll discover a crucial factor that plays a far greater role, than is currently appreciated. You'll learn why it is key to physical health.

Chronic Diseases Can Be Reversed

Conventional medical wisdom believes chronic diseases (heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, dementia, depression, etc.) only get worse over time.  Not true! They can be reversed, when you give your body what it needs to be healthy, and remove the disease causing factors.

The Aging Process Can Be Reversed

You are as old as you think and feel you are! You'll discover in this section, the remarkable research that proves you have much greater control over the aging process than you think.

The Essential Ingredient You Must Have to Experience Optimal Health

You can do all of the right things, and if you do not possess this key ingredient, while your health can improve, you will not experience vibrant health and radiant well-being, until you do.

In addition to the 5 amazing SuperHealing Secrets, you'll also discover several clinically proven tools and techniques,nutritional supplements, mind-body practices that can improve your health and well-being.

And I'll share with you a powerful health formula that will help you understand how your body and organs function.
You'll learn about the empowering powerful tools and technique, I've shared with my patients that's helped them take charge of their health, and prevent and reverse chronic diseases.

Your SuperHealing Secrets 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm so confident that you will be happy with your purchase that you get my 100% Money back Guarantee. If you don't like the sound of me, what I have to say, what I write about, or you plain think it stinks - I will send you your money back in full and without delay. All I ask is that you spend 30 days trying out my program.

Get SuperHealing Secrets

You owe it to yourself to share SuperHealing Secrets with your very special loved ones. Watch it and feel the wonderful results it can bring. You can do it now absolutely risk free!

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Our Mission

We inspire, inform and empower our clients to take charge of their health and well-being in meaningful and lasting ways.  We recognize and honor the precious gift they are as unique spiritual beings, and honor the truth of their profound design-their amazing body, magnificent mind, and indomitable spirit.


 The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Ferguson, unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from Dr. Ferguson’s clinical experience and research. Dr. Ferguson encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

  • Copyright One Health, LLC 2021-2022