Month: May 2010

  • Changing Thoughts Key To Battling Even Severe Depression

    For many decades, particularly in light of the debate and conversation surrounding movies such as the Secret, and the concept of the Law of Attraction, cognitive behavioral therapy—changing the way a person thinks about a certain aspect of life, can improve depressions.   People with moderate to severe depression, according to a recent study conducted […]


  • Do You Remember? Forgetfulness Is A Growing Problem

    I’ve heard many people suggest with a few episodes of memory lapse or loss that they are developing Alzheimer’s Disease.  That usually isn’t the case, and I understand the concern, since the disease has virtually exploded in epidemic numbers over the last 25 years, with no identifiable environmental causes.   According to psychiatrist Dr. Sameer […]


  • Working Overtime Can Harm Your Health

    A report suggests the phrase “working overtime is killing me” may be as factual as it is figurative. According to a long-term study of more than 10,000 civil servants in London, working overtime is bad for the heart.   The research, published online in the European Heart Journal, found compared with people who did not […]


  • Cell Phones and Cancer Part 2

    Dr. Vini Khurana conducted a review of 465 studies, 23 case-control studies, which involved 37,916 participants (12,344 patient cases and 25,572 controls), were included in the report, published in 2009.  His analysis found compared with never or rarely having used a mobile phone, the odds ratio for overall use was significantly greater for malignant and […]


  • Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer? Part 1

    Are you concerned about your cell phone use?  As if we didn’t already have plenty of  health related environmental topics to be concerned about.  For several years, I’ve wondered about the impact cell phone use and the effect it has on my brain and body. After talking to someone formerly associated with the cell phone […]


  • Increased Garlic Intake Linked to Lower Cancer Causing Agent Levels

    Penn State University researchers conducted a study to determine if garlic possesses anti-cancer properties.  They gave volunteers a nontoxic form of sodium nitrate along with capsules containing 1, 3 or 5 grams fresh garlic, 3 grams aged garlic extract, or 500 milligrams vitamin C for 7 days. The participants’ urine samples were collected and analyzed […]


  • Holistic Therapies Help Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), sometimes called spastic colon, irritable colon, or nervous stomach, is a functional disorder of the bowel. Its symptoms include frequent bouts of abdominal pain, and associated with changes in bowel habit (either in frequency, urgency, or characteristics).  The primary cause is not clearly known, but an abnormal interaction between the gastrointestinal […]