Highly Processed Foods Linked to Cancer
A new study found a link between intake of highly processed (“ultra–processed”) food in the diet and cancer.
A new study found a link between intake of highly processed (“ultra–processed”) food in the diet and cancer.
A Johns Hopkins University study sought to determine if chemicals used to cure meats impact moods.
What’s in your diet? Are you eating the right foods that will help your brain to increase your brain size and protect your memory? Discover how….
A heart-healthy diet also appears to be good for an older woman’s bones and muscles, a new study of postmenopausal women in Brazil finds.
During med school l learned there’s no predictable scientific way to determine how long the human body can live. When you think about your mortality, have you settled with a “reasonable” number of years you’d like to live. Perhaps this latest study may cause you to think differently. The average human life span continues to increase. Will we ever reach a limit to how long we can live?
Adapting four healthy lifestyle behaviors is associated with increased lifespan for men and women, according to a study published online May 31 in the Journal of Internal Medicine.
Adding this spice to your diet can reduce your risk of dying from heart disease or stroke, add years to your life!
A new study found consuming red meat in amounts above what is typically recommended does not affect short-term cardiovascular disease risk factors, such as blood pressure and blood cholesterol.