Push-up Capacity Linked with Lower Incidence Heart Disease!
How many push ups can you do? A new study found men able to complete a certain number of push ups had a much lower
How many push ups can you do? A new study found men able to complete a certain number of push ups had a much lower
A new study found a certain type of exercise for one hour per week could reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke by 40-70%!
Getting enough sleep is key to good health, and studies have shown that insufficient sleep increases the risk of serious problems, including cardiovascular disease. Researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital have found one way that sleep protects against the development of hardening of the arteries.
If you’re an e-cigarette smoker, a new study found an increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and coronary heart disease, according to the American Heart Association.
On average, Americans eat about 17 teaspoons of added sugars every day. That adds up to a whopping 57 pounds a year. But for years you weren’t warned of the harmful impact it has on your health.
In 1972, a British scientist sounded the alarm that sugar – and not fat – was the greatest danger to our health. But his findings were ridiculed and his reputation ruined. How did the world’s top nutrition scientists get it so wrong for so long?
Can Optimism Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease? Optimism is more than just feeling good, it improves the body’s functioning in many ways, including reducing
Are you worried about your blood pressure? Has your doctor placed you unnecessarily on blood pressure medications? Are you unnecessarily worrying about your blood pressure and your health? When is high blood pressure dangerous? Around the world medical associations offer widely differing answers.