Why are You Drinking It, If You Won’t Bathe Your Body in It?
“Would you take a bath in a tub full of soda?”
“Would you take a bath in a tub full of soda?”
A team of German scientists have discovered that keeping oneself physically fit is also associated with better brain structure and functioning in young adults.
Do you think you’ve missed the opportunity to improve your health with exercise, because you think you are too O-L-D? A new study suggests you’re never “over the hill” and you should think again!
Exercise is known to reduce blood pressure—but the use of a popular personal care product can disrupt the important benefits exercise affords us.
You need to know about an effective treatment for a condition that according to the CDC, impacts more than 1.5 million Americans annually; a quarter of a million die from it each year and a third of patients who die in a hospital have this condition. It could save your life or a loved one’s.
Cilantro and other herbs, have a long history of use as anticonvulsants. A new study discovered how it is effective in preventing seizures and other diseases.
Researchers found 3 key ingredients have been found to protect against heart disease and cancer, especially for smokers and heavy drinkers.
Researchers found a certain mind-body tool can effectively help you conquer fear.