Scientists at the University of Barcelona confirm that a diet rich in polyunsaturated fats, helps boost the creation of stem cells in the brain stem. Mice fed a diet rich in polyphenols and poly unsaturated fats, have more cell growth in the two portions of the brain where new cells are made, the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus (the area related to the memory and to cognitive/thinking processes).
Polyphenols are group antioxidant chemicals that have a positive impact on our cells and organs. They are found in berries, tea, grapes, chocolate, nuts, corn, olive oil and other vegetables, fruits, tea, beer, wine, olive oil, cocoa, nuts. Consumption of high amounts is associated with a decreased risk of cancer and heart disease.
Research demonstrates that they have many potential health benefits.
Polyunsaturated fatty acids can be found in blue fish and vegetables such as corn, sunflowers and pumpkins.
These findings support the theory that an antioxidant rich diet could delay the onset or slow the progression of this disease.
Prior to the 1980s, it was thought that the amount of brain cells in humans simply declined with age and that there was no way to produce new cells.
These findings will be published in the December 2009 issue of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease in support of the theory that a diet made up of foods rich in these antioxidant substances could delay the onset of this disease or even slow down its evolution.
Previous studies had verified their effects on regulating cholesterol levels and hypertension, two risk factors commonly associated with heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.