Ironically the same week the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) filed charges against internet marketers making fraudulent claims about the weight loss properties of this now popular juice, new research has found that Acai berry juice, can assist and protect arteries from the process known as atherosclerosis-or hardening of the arteries. The report was published in Atherosclerosis, medical journal.

It determined that Acai juice in part slowed the breakdown of fats known as lipids. The research was funded by Acai producer MonaVie, LLc, also supports the likelihood that Acai berry juice my stop inflammation by inhibiting certain proteins known as cytokines, that promote inflammation. Inflammation plays a key role in atherosclerosis.

“We provide direct experimental evidence showing that a diet containing an acai juice at the dose of 5% developed significantly less atherosclerotic lesions said Unversity of Arkansas Medical Sciences researcher, Dr. Xianli Wu.

This is the first study that indicates acai juice protects against atherosclerosis, and significant reduced fat oxidation.

“Reducing lipid peroxidation through boosting antioxidant enzymes and inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine production are proposed as major underlying mechanisms for the athero-protective effects of the acai juice tested in these experimental…models,” the researchers explained.

Heart Health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death throughout most of the industrialized world. Dr Wu also noted, “It has long been recognized that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may have beneficial effects on cardiovascular diseases, largely attributed to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Acai is a superfruit

Acai has received a lot of attention recently due to its high antioxidant capacity, and probable anti-inflammatory effects, leading to assertions that it is a ‘superfruit.’

A study involving animals has indicated that dietary supplementation with acai pulp reduces oxidative stress and lowers cholesterol levels.
