Once more, scientists report  that low levels of vitmain D are associated with increased risk of death, all causes and from heart disease.

“Our results provide a rationale for future studies to test whether vitamin D supplementation reduces mortality and/or cardiovascular diseases in persons with vitamin D deficiencey, Stefan Pilz from the Medical University of Graz in Austria.

This research follows similar findings reported in Nutrition Research by Johns Hopkins University researchers. They evaluated the active form (1,25 dihydoxyvitamin D) levels linked to a range of effects including control of inflammatory compounds, regulating the immune system and blood pressure, or reducing hardening of the arteries.

Prior to this, a study published in the Archives of Internal medicine grabbed headlines around the world when it reported that.  This earlier study used date from13,331 men and women participating in the Third national and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANESIII).

The new study used data from 614 people. After 6years of follow-up, 51 deaths were documented, 20 which wer due to cardiovascular disease.

The people with the lowest vitamin D levels were  to be  at 124 percent increased risk of mortality of all causes and 378 percent increased risk of cardiovascular motrtality.

Apart from the maintenance of muscular and skeletal health, vitamin D may also protect against cancer, infections, automimmune and vascular disease, suggesting that vitamin D deficiency might contribute to a reduced life expectancy.”

In adults vitamin D deficiency may precipitate or worsen bone thinning, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, common cancers, autoimmune disease, infectious diseases and cardiovascular diseases.  There is also some evidence that the vitamin may reduce the incidence of several types of cancer and type 1 diabetes.

