Vitamin D3 is More Potent than D2

Results of a study published recently in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism show that Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) and is 87% more potent, in terms of elevating increasing the blood levels and also increased the vitamin’s storage level 200-to 300% compared to vitamin D2.

Creighton University researchers gave 33 healthy adults 50,000 units of vitamin D3 or D2 for 4 months.  The findings found that approximately 17 & of the vitamin D3 was stored by the participants, while the remainder was used by the body.

“This is a daily utilization rate of about 6500 IU at a blood vitamin D concentration of 50 ng/ml at the end of the treatment,” the researchers wrote, led by Robert Heany, MD.

“At the dose used in the study, most vitamin D is consumed.  This is the first study, to our knowledge to  have quantified this issue” added Dr. Heaney and his associates.

The Sunshine Vitamin’s Forms

Vitamin D occurs in two inactive forms-D3 cholecalciferol and Dr2 know as ergocalciferol.  They are both altered in the kidneys and liver into 25- hydroxyvitamin D.

An ongoing debate for many years has centered around the differences between these two forms.  Other studies have determined that vitamin D3 is between 30 and 50 per cent more effective than D2 in maintain blood levels. While a one study found that both forms are equally effective.

Dr. Heany and his associates wanted to clarify the inconsistencies in the research studies. They noted that  their findings are limited by the relatively short length of the treatment, and by their methods, which calculated.  They recommended a longer study would help to make a better determination, if it included multiple samples of fat tissues, to determine the vitamin D levels.

They concluded, “Given is greater potency and lower cost, D3 should be the preferred treatment option when correcting vitamin D deficiency.

This study confirms the findings of earlier reports, and my clinical observations as well.

Vitamin D is a hormone, unlike other vitamins and is critical to the function of thousands of genes.

It is not merely responsible for our bone health, it is crucial to our physical and mental well-being. It prevents the development of numerous chronic diseases including cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression (especially seasonal affective disorder) and many more.
