A great debate exists today regarding whether our thoughts can change our lives, also known as the  law of attraction.  I believe the missing link in this debate is a more holistic approach to mind bod role our

The study appeared in the Journal of Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being, is the most comprehensive review thus far of scientific research linking health and happiness.  Its lead author, University of Illinois professor emeritus of psychology, Ed Dienr, who was also a scientist for the Gallup organization, the viewed long-term studies of human subjects, experimental animal and human trials, and studies that measure the health status of people stressed by natural events.

Dr. Dyer said.  “The general conclusion from each type of study is that your subjective well-being–that is, feeling positive about your life, not stressed out, not depressed–contributes to both longevity and better health among healthy populations.”

One study determined after following 5000 university students for more than 40 years, for example, that those who were the most pessimistic as students died earlier than their peers.  Another longer-term study that followed 180 Catholic nuns from early adulthood to senior citizenship found that those who wrote autobiographies that were positive in their early 20s tended to live longer than those who focus on negativity in their accounts of their early lives.

There are a few exceptions, however.  Most of the long-term studies have determined that anxiety, depression, and a lack of enjoyment of one’s daily activities, as well as pessimism are all linked to higher rates of disease and a shorter life.

Animal studies showed that there is a significant link between poor health and stress.  Research in which animals receive the same care but differ in their stress levels as well as an abundance of nest mate in their cages, for example, have found that stressed animals are much more susceptible to heart disease, have weaker immune systems, and tend to die sooner than those living in less crowded conditions.

Human studies have determined that positive, optimistic moods lower the levels of stress related hormones, promote a quicker recovery of the heart.  After exercise, and increase immune system function.  Other studies have shown that marital conflicts and high hostility in married couples are linked with slow wound healing and impaired immune system response.

Well, happiness might not prevent or cure disease, become healthy findings that positive emotions and life enjoyment contribute to enhance health and a longer life span is stronger than the data linking obesity to read juiced longevity, Diener said.

Dr. Diener said, I was almost shocked and certainly surprised to see the consistency of the data.  All of these different kind of studies point to the same conclusion: that health and then longevity in turn are influenced by our mood states.

“Happiness is no magic bullet, but the evidence is clear and compelling that it changes your odds of getting disease or dying young.

“Although there are a handful of studies that find opposite effects, the overwhelming majority of studies support the conclusion and happiness is associated with health and longevity.  Current health recommendations focus on four things: avoid obesity, eat right, don’t smoke, and exercise.  It made the time to add ‘be happy and avoid chronic anger and depression’ to the list.”

Source: applied psychology: health and well-being